How to download a song from spotify onto your computer
How to download a song from spotify onto your computer

You can also click on the horizontal ellipsis (Settings) in the top-left section, then select Edit -> Preferences.

  • Click on your Profile icon and name in the upper right corner, then select Settings.
  • However, if your music files reside in scattered folders, Spotify is unlikely to locate all of them.

    how to download a song from spotify onto your computer

    On Windows, Spotify runs a scan on all your music folders as soon as you install the app. How to Add Local Files to Spotify on Windows Note: You can only insert mp3, mp4, and m4p files. Once the local files get added to your Spotify playlists, you can listen to them just like any other song. To make the process easier, ensure you download everything first and store all the tunes in one folder. Remember that the local files you want to add to your Spotify library must be on the computer or a USB drive or stick connected to it. If you want to stream the local files on your phone, we suggest you do this.

  • If you want to move the local songs, you can add them to separate playlists, or you can make a brand-new playlist for them.
  • how to download a song from spotify onto your computer

  • All the songs added will be stored in the Local Files songs folder in the Spotify library.
  • You can add separate songs or an entire album.
  • In the same section, Spotify will suggest folders from which you can add the files (usually Downloads and Music library).
  • Now it’s time to insert the files from your computer.
  • Find Local Files on the list of sections.
  • To add local files to your Spotify library on your Mac, you need to enable them. On the other hand, macOS users have a couple of more steps to complete. Spotify doesn’t allow you to upload local songs on the web player. Not sure about Spotify? Read our guide on how to transfer your Spotify playlists to other music streaming services.Before we go into the details, note that you can only do this on the desktop app.

    how to download a song from spotify onto your computer

    If that doesn't help, Spotify says you should try reinstalling the app - but this means you'll need to re-download any music or podcasts you have saved. You can also try restarting the Spotify app or switching on Offline mode to stop your Internet connection from interfering. If your downloads aren't playing, ensure the download was successful by checking the arrow icon has turned green.

    how to download a song from spotify onto your computer

    If you have any issues downloading your music, make sure your device isn't in sleep mode, double-check your Internet connection is active, and make sure you have at least 1GB of free storage space on your device. It's worth bearing in mind that you'll need to go online at least once every 30 days to keep your downloads - Spotify says this is so it can collect play data to compensate artists. Where to find "offline mode" in Windows (Image credit: TechRadar)

    How to download a song from spotify onto your computer